Saturday, 14 August 2010
Louise Spence Birthday at Chinawhite!
- She had got all dressed up in an on-trend Herve Leger bandage dress and her hair was a flowing mane of curls.
Her manicure was flawless and she was showcasing the type of beautiful jewellery that only the famous are privy to.
But as far as celebrity hotspot Mahiki is concerned, Claire Sweeney just doesn't cut the mustard.
Outraged: Sweeney appeared to launch into a rant to her companion after she was rejected by door staff of London club Mahiki
Because as she got to the door of the London nightclub, instead of being welcomed inside and given the VIP treatment, she was turned away and had to retreat to her taxi.
And the 39-year-old ex-Brookside actress was clearly not amused by the rejection.
Gesturing while talking to her companion, Sweeney appeared to be furious the night wasn't going to plan.
Unbelievable: The Loose Woman marched back to her taxi in disbelief to make other plans
Meanwhile, a worse-for-wear looking Jack Tweed strolled up to the door with a friend and by the looks of things has a marvellous evening in the club, frequented by Princes William and Harry.
In a pale blue denim shirt, beige trousers and white Converse trainers, the 23-year-old widower of reality star Jade Goody had evidently made less effort with his appearance than Sweeney.
Come on in: Jack Tweed and a friend spent the night enjoying all that the celebrity hotspot has to offer
However, the door staff clearly favoured Tweed's calibre of celebrity over the presenter's - a decision he must have been pleased about.
Leaving the club in a taxi, he looked tired out and ready for bed.
Let's hope Sweeney found somewhere else to go that gave her the type of welcome Mahiki gave Tweed.
Worse for wear: Leaving in a taxi the widower of reality star Jade Goody appeared to be ready for bed
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Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Bank Holiday Sunday Extravaganza!
This Sunday 29th August Velvet PR will be bringing you the biggest Bank Holiday Sunday party London has seen for a long time.
Velvet PR and Showtime PR bring you the the finest crowd, biggest celebrities, biggest bottles of Vodka and the best night in London.
If you haven't been to a Velvet PR Bank Holiday Sunday before then you really are going to miss out if you miss this one. As these are classed as one-off events we have a much bigger budget to put into this night and NO5 Cavendish will be going all out to make this a night to remember.
Velvet PR Card Holders are all free entry to this event / complimentary drinks all night
Non Card Holders all pay £15 entry fee / No access to VIP table
TO get on the guestlist for this event please use the guestlist form below and one of the team will get back to you shortly.
If you have any further questions then feel free to call 01322 430 518
Monday, 9 August 2010
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Rap star Kanye West follows one Coventry man on Twitter

West, 33, made Stephen Holmes the first - and so far only - person he is following on the social networking site after joining last week.
Mr Holmes tweeted West to thank the rapper for following him. West replied: "You are the chosen one dun dun dun."
Since the hip hop star's interest, Mr Holmes's followers on the site have increased from 60 to about 1,500. 'Tweet strong'
The Coventry man confessed: "I feel pressure with my tweets now."
However, West, on his Twitter page advised him: "Tweet strong young man tweet strong!!!"
Since becoming an online sensation, Mr Holmes's tweets have included: "If abuse is love then I've never felt more loved" and "feeling hungover and I wasn't even drunk last night".
In March, US chat show host Conan O'Brien decided to follow just one person on Twitter, 19-year-old student Sarah Killen.
In an interview with the New York magazine, she described how she was deluged with thousands of messages in the hours after O'Brien chose to follow her.
West, who has a new album coming out, has amassed more than 380,000 Twitter followers in less than a week.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Madonna Looking Not So Chic In London

We're guessing Lola, the resident fashion police, had the night off because there's no way she would have OK'd this look!
Madonna was spotted leaving a London club at 3am this past weekend looking rather frumpy in an oversize tracksuit and fedora.
We get that it was early in the morning, but this is just unacceptable, Madge. Especially if you were at a club.